[CPU]라이젠1호기 5800x eco mode
# Life/IT2022. 8. 27. 05:48[CPU]라이젠1호기 5800x eco mode

아이들 cpu-z벤치 PBO모드 커옵(올코 -26) Eco모드 커옵(올코 -26)

[CPU]라이젠1호기 5800x default mode
# Life/IT2022. 8. 27. 05:01[CPU]라이젠1호기 5800x default mode

cpu-z벤치 시네벤치R23(싱글) 시네벤치R23(멀티)

[elasticsearch]heap out of memory(OOM)
# DataBase/Elasticsearch2022. 8. 19. 08:35[elasticsearch]heap out of memory(OOM)

가이드에는 힙사이즈를 전체 물리 메모리의 50%로 셋팅하는것으로 권장. 32기가라면 16기가정도로 셋팅. Set Xms and Xmx to no more than 50% of your total memory. Elasticsearch requires memory for purposes other than the JVM heap. For example, Elasticsearch uses off-heap buffers for efficient network communication and relies on the operating system’s filesystem cache for efficient access to files. The JVM itself also requires some memory. I..
