watchtower(ft. 컨테이너 자동 업데이트)
# Virtualation/Docker2024. 4. 19. 08:44watchtower(ft. 컨테이너 자동 업데이트)

## docker run ## [darksharavim]docker run --name="watchtower" -d --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e TZ=Asia/Seoul containrrr/watchtower --interval 10 ## docker-compose ## version: "3" services: watchtower: image: containrrr/watchtower volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

NPM이용 와일드카드 인증서 발급(ft. cloudflare)
# Virtualation/Docker2024. 4. 18. 13:33NPM이용 와일드카드 인증서 발급(ft. cloudflare)

클라우드플레어 API키 발급 클라우드플레어 로그인 후 아래 페이지로 이동 발급받은 키 확인[darksharavim]curl -X GET "" \ > -H "Authorization: Bearer 123456789qwerasdzxc123456789" \ > -H "Content-Type:application/json" {"result":{"id":"417dffc3d4d75e49a5391c1756ecea56","status":"active"},"success":true,"errors":[],"messages":[{"code":1..

proxmox error "The enterprise repository is enabled, but there is no active subscription!"
# Virtualation/Private Cloud2024. 4. 9. 14:16proxmox error "The enterprise repository is enabled, but there is no active subscription!"

apt update ## 아래와 같이 업데이트 시 에러발생 ## vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list ## proxmox 8버전 기준 아래와 같이 변경 ## #deb bookworm pve-enterprise deb bookworm pve-no-subscription vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list ## proxmox 8버전 기준 아래와 같이 변경 ## #deb bookworm enterpris..

[proxmox]LXC create
# Virtualation/Private Cloud2024. 4. 9. 09:00[proxmox]LXC create

업데이트root@pve:~# pveam update update successful 다운로드 가능한 리눅스 컨테이너 리스트root@pve:~# pveam available mail proxmox-mail-gateway-8.1-standard_8.1-1_amd64.tar.zst mail proxmox-mailgateway-7.3-standard_7.3-1_amd64.tar.zst mail proxmox-mailgateway-8.0-standard_8.0-1_amd64.tar.zst system almalinux-9-default_20221108_amd64.tar.xz system alpine-3.18-default_20230607_amd64.tar.xz system alpine-3.19-default_20..

windows2000 install(ft. docker)
# Virtualation/Docker2024. 4. 9. 08:27windows2000 install(ft. docker)

version: "3" services: windows: image: hectorm/qemu-win2000 container_name: qemu-win2000 devices: - /dev/kvm ports: - 3389:3389/tcp - 5900:5900/tcp - 6080:6080/tcp GitHub - hectorm/docker-qemu-win2000: A Docker image for Windows 2000 Advanced Server with SP4. A Docker image for Windows 2000 Advanced Server with SP4. - hectorm/docker-qemu-win2000 git..
